the VOW

This project was a special project for us. We actually came up with the theme before knowing what the VOW itself was going to look like. It was clear to us that we wanted a clean/classy yoyo that would capture the concept of a vow. Patrick Dressel and I had the perfect idea of what could work for this project. We wanted it to be an undersized, organic, stainless steel, D-bearing yoyo that played smooth and fast. Unlike our previous run, Elysium, the VOW is not floaty so it definitely marks a change of pace for our company. This project took over six months to develop because of the complexity of working with stainless steel. Additionally, once we received the prototypes, we did some modifications to ensure that the VOW played and looked exactly how we envisioned it.

The VOW was born from the idea that it would be cool for one our yoyos to represent a commitment to the person who owns it. The theme also reminded us of our very recent wedding; my wife sees this run as a fun tribute to our vows and marriage (which is what started Few and Far Between Yoyos). The colorways for this run are: Raw (Polished and Unpolished), Rose Gold (Electroplated), Gold (Electroplated), and Black (Electroplated). These colors were specifically chosen to resemble the colors of wedding bands. When Celen and I chose our wedding bands we decided to opt out of engraving them. This is why we were one hundred percent sure that we wanted the VOW to be engraved so we would get that experience. We wanted each color to represent a different commitment. We also thought of having the yoyos be engraved with individual concepts. For the black electroplated yoyo, we went with “‘til death do us part”. This seemed like the easiest one to assign since the phrase itself combines the dark nature of death with an utter expression of love. For the raw yoyos, we chose “not perfect, just raw”. This seemed appropriate because we think that when you commit to someone or something, you hope that you are being accepted for who you are, which is not always so perfect. The rose gold electroplated yoyo was engraved with “love at first sight”. This yoyo is so beautiful that we could not have thought of a better engraving to go with it. It is meant to represent the flirtiness of love and commitment. The artwork is particularly interesting because in a way, it also alerts the viewers of the dangers that looks-rooted commitment entails. Lastly, the gold electroplated yoyo was engraved “gold digger”. The gold yoyo’s concept speaks of a rather humorous truth that commonly revolved around commitment.

We hope you guys enjoy this run. It has taken us a very long time to develop the VOW and bring it to life. This time has allowed us to work hard on making it as perfect as we could. This run is our most limited run yet; thank you for all your support.

the VOW



Material: Stainless Steel

Diameter: 50.99 mm

Width: 40.76 mm

Gap: 4.40 mm

Weight: 60.75 g

Axle: M4*8 mm

Bearing: Concave D-Bearing

Total prototypes made: 5

the VOW



Material: Stainless Steel

Diameter: 50.99 mm

Width: 41.00 mm

Gap: 4.50 mm

Weight: 60.75 g

Axle: M4*8 mm

Bearing: Concave D-Bearing

Total Made: 12 Raw (Polished), 10 Raw (Unpolished), 10 Gold, 10 Rose Gold, 8 Black, 2 Unengraved Rose Gold, 2 Unengraved Gold, 2 Unengraved Black.


From a very long time we have been following Nate. To have him review our yoyos is definitely one of those things in life that simply make you smile. Check out his review on the VOW.

Give it a like and follow him at Nate Martsolf for some great content on skilled toys.

Thank you Nate!



Gaites Klein

Gaites and his family company, USA Wholesale AZ, have never failed to provide us with the most beautiful boxes and stickers. Thank you so much for paying attention to every detail and always delivering the best quality.

Chris Francz and Will Chavez

These two amazing artists brought to life our vision of the engravings for each yoyo. Thank you so much for your help. Chris, thank you for continuing to be a part of the team.

ZipLine Strings

Custom-made strings were a must or this run. Thank you so much to the crew at Zip Line Strings for helping us find the perfect match to our colors and for providing us with the perfect string for the VOW.


Shout out to Juan for coming up with the most beautiful counter weights to match our theme and each one of the colors we picked.